Common Accounting Business Services  

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Your business has gotten big. Really big. Your profits have come rolling in but your tax and accounting issues are just as huge and twice as complicated.

What do you do?




Along with personal and employment tax filings for self employed professionals, Common Accounting Business Services (CABS) can meet all the accounting demands of all corporate accounts as well. We can prepare your corporate tax returns using our electronic services for big corporations that already do their in-house bookkeeping.

Among our other related corporate tax services, CABS can provide:

  • Accounts Receivable: Accounts receivable is the corporate faction that deals with whatever payments your company has gotten from clients i.e. your revenue. What is crucial in preparing your return is that all invoices of whatever monies you have received is noted and filed. This can be a big job and requires a lot of organization. Our in-house staff can ensure that you get the proper accounts receivable records together and ensure that you make the proper tax filing for all revenues received.
  • Accounts Payable: This is the stuff you’ve paid other people. Whatever services you have paid for in whatever aspect of your business is necessary when filing your taxes and ensuring you have specific deductions for your tax payment. Again, a proper record of invoices must be prepared for your expense accounts. This is as cumbersome as doing your accounts receivable invoices. But CABS works for you. We examine all of your accounts to see what expenses can be used to your advantage on your return. This can see that you reduce expenses and have a continual cash flow.
  • Payroll: If you have a big company, there are a lot of people to be paid. And it can get complicated! CABS’ payroll service ensures that all of your employees receive the proper pay accorded to them with all necessary payment deductions made. In addition, CABS prepares and provides government remittance (PD7As), records of employment forms (ROE), and year-end T4, T4A, and T4 summary forms. What can we say…CABS can do it all!
  • Banking: Worried about some bad financial transactions? Want to inspect some NSF payments? Concerned about some funds that might have gone “missing”? CABS offers a thorough bank reconciliation to help its clients fully check over all of its accounts and confirm any discrepancies that might exist or prevent any further financial problems from occurring. Everything from which cheques have cleared to helping you reconcile your losses-CABS can cover it.
  • Government Filing: Other tax professionals can do all of the tax bookkeeping for you but fail to do a proper filing of your tax accounts with the government. Our in house bookkeepers go the extra step for you. We cover all of the necessary areas of Canadian tax law – WSIB, HST/PST/GST, payroll deductions – to ensure you get a proper filing with the government.
  • Financial Reporting: Keeping your business afloat is tough, but one thing that can help is a regular financial report. You can monitor your expenses, see where you can save money, and forecast new ways to generate more revenues from your business. Sound like something you’d be interested in? We can do them for you.

At Common Accounting Business Services, our services are professional and multi-faceted. We serve our clients in all areas related to the bookkeeping matters of your business. It’s important for you to see success time and again for your business without worrying about accounting problems. Common Accounting Business Services can get you what you deserve without all of the other hassles.


Your Tax and
Accounting System is Complicated.

Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Bank Reconciliation
Financial Reports
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